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Will you help a child like Niall this Christmas?

Christmas should be a magical time for children as they look forward to twinkling fairy lights, a visit to Santa and decorating the tree.

But for a child facing a cancer diagnosis, and their family, the normal festivities can look a bit different.

This year we are asking for support in the Children’s Cancer Unit.

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Niall's Story

Niall, who recently turned seven, was diagnosed with Leukaemia in March 2022 after complaining of a sore leg for several months.

His mum Elle said:

"Niall was always a bright, fun-loving little boy but in that moment, everything changed for us as a family and suddenly we were faced with a scary new reality and a very uncertain future.

Within a few hours of receiving his diagnosis, Niall was admitted to the Children's Cancer Unit at the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children and the medical team began preparing him to start treatment."

Payment can be made by BACS as follows:
Account Name: Childrens Cancer Unit Charity
Sort Code: 98-00-60
Account No: 5713 9008
IBAN: GB81ULSB98006057139008

Alternatively, cheques can be made payable to
The Children’s Cancer Unit Charity
and sent to:
The Children’s Cancer Unit Charity
141 – 143 Falls Road
BT12 6AF

Please use CCUC Christmas appeal as reference for all donations.